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Hello, World!

Posted on Thu 21 January 2021 in content

The story so far: I've been able to successfully configure Pelican1 and resist quoting Douglas Adams2. Now, onto the easy part: content creation!

I've tried blogging in the past, but my attempts have succumbed to lack of content. I'm not really into sharing my life with strangers and my hobby projects have been nothing to write home(pages) about. However, as of late I've gotten into3 some things that may be of interest to others, ranging from ... to ... [the blog never materialized, so I'll leave you all hanging till it does - sorry!]

Due to my busy schedule (and unhealthy amount of perfectionism) I'm going for a very spesific ratio of quality and quantity: only and always posting when I come {across,up with} something that can be best described as "not ROT4":

  1. Not Redundant: if there's a satisfactory existing solution online or the information belongs to an existing documentation site or wiki, it's not postworthy.

  2. Not Outdated: if I for any reason can't make sure the subject matter still matters, it should be visible at the top of the post. Missing links suck so deleting posts isn't the way to go. I will also be sure to archieve my sources in case they go offline.

  3. Not Trivial: a pretty subjective yet self-explanatory quality. Many trivial details may accumulate into a blog post.

To maximize yield I'm not going to limit myself to blog posts; small or messy ideas can start their life as ... which may, as time passes, form larger units or grow into new projects and blog posts. I'm also going to take the opportunity to experiment with different tools, styles and media.

I have a dual goal for the introt project: sharing learnings and learning sharing. Welcome to my corner of the internet!


  1. Pelican is a static site generator powered by Python ie. the software that makes the pretty pages you're looking at.
  2. Author of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
  3. Pun intended.
  4. This is my interpretation of the words that make up the acronym, I'm not going to bother too much with SEO stuff.